We often need to be more precise when discussing work-life balance. We commonly speak about finding or seeking balance, recognizing that achieving it can be elusive. Life’s competing priorities naturally pull us in different directions. To some extent, that’s normal. However, the equilibrium we seek isn’t just discovered; it’s created. To feel centered and stable, we must actively create the balance we desire.

In yoga, we practice balance postures, employing three key strategies for maintaining stability. First, we fix our gaze on an anchor point that remains steady. In life, we also need a guiding principle or truth to ground us. What’s your center point? What is your deepest passion or purpose? Focusing on this can center us.

The second strategy involves connecting with our breath. It’s astonishing how often we forget to breathe, even when engrossed in demanding tasks. To find balance in life, we must remember to slow down and pause, centering our minds on this fundamental act. When we pause to breathe, we can identify the thoughts or emotions that have disrupted our equilibrium.

The third strategy for maintaining balance involves making small, daily micro-movements. Rarely is it restored through dramatic shifts in life. More often, it requires these subtle, daily adjustments to establish our footing and keep us grounded. Micro movements may seem insignificant and can be easily overlooked. Fortunately, they are easy to return to when life feels out of balance.

Instead of hunting for balance like buried treasure, we should consider using these strategies: fixing our focus on what truly matters, remembering to breathe, and implementing small micro-movements. These tactics help create the sense of stability and peace we seek.

Originally posted at scottsjoblom.com


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